Virginity in this culture is held in high regard so the girls must abstain from premarital sex. The aunt teaches her every single thing she needs to know about her role as a woman but most importantly, as a wife. According to the Banuakole tradition, when a girl gets to the age of eight or nine, it is the duty of her aunt to groom her for family life. Marriage in this culture is of great importance as parents derive joy and pride from their children’s marriage. Located in South-western Uganda, east of Lake Edward, the kingdom which was ruled by King Mugabe was known for its unique marriage rights. The Banyakole people which are also referred to as the Ankole tribe are the inhabitants of the traditional Bantu Kingdom which dates as far back as the 15th century. However, for the Banyakole tribe of Uganda, the duty of an aunt goes way beyond merely giving advice. You might be of the opinion that the role of an aunt is to love and guide her niece by being a confidant to her niece especially with things she's unable to share with her mother.
Banyakole tribe women(Photo source: Wikipedia)