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Since its release, many people have been going crazy over the KFC toy. Psyduck is also a bit more dopey and ‘uncool’ than Pikachu, which makes him all the cooler (remember the Peppa Pig craze?) One of the reasons why the Psyduck toy might be more popular than its fellow (Pikachu) toys, is because it dances, with its arms going up and down, and because of the catchy tune that starts once it starts moving. Psyduck is a yellow duck-like Pokémon that is known to be confused because it’s bothered by headaches. As reported by Shanghai Daily, the toys are randomly distributed in Children’s Day meals and will be released in different regions at different times. The new Pokémon toys were introduced on May 21st to celebrate Children’s Day (June 1). American fast-food chain KFC recently introduced three new Pokémon toys to go with its kids’ meals in various regions across China, with one of the toys, in particular, becoming a viral hit: Psyduck (可达鸭).

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